Rachel Brookie
Wellington Girls’ College
Wellington, New Zealand

The New Zealand VTM Trust “Voices of APEC 2007” conference at Scots College was an invaluable experience for me. I would like to sincerely thank you for the opportunity to attend the conference, and for the efficient way it was conducted. Your dedication to this project and your passion for the Voices of APEC programme are much appreciated.

The programme was inspirational, and I gained something from each speaker. The wide range of talented speakers allowed me to understand APEC and also increased my interest in APEC’s issues.

Over the three days spent at Scots College I had the amazing opportunity to not only meet and interview business and government leaders, but also to meet many other young people who had the same interests and passions that I have. This was a unique opportunity that I will never forget. I went home well informed and with friendships and contacts that I will no doubt maintain.

The conference helped me to develop some definite ideas about my future plans. The Voices of APEC programme gave me role models whose passion, devotion, and innovative ideas I truly admire. I was motivated to broaden my own horizons, with a firm desire to travel after attending University in New Zealand and become that all important “Global Citizen”. Through my group’s interview with Labour MP, Dianne Yates, I gained belief in New Zealand’s wealth in being a creative, innovative country that can efficiently link with global markets. A highlight for me was learning about the world economy and our future, especially learning about sustainability and the effects of Global Warming.

I am incredibly excited to have been given the opportunity to return to the conference next year. I look forward to meeting a new group of passionate young people. I came away from the conference buzzing and enthusiastic. It is wonderful to know that I will get to attend again next year.

Again, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to attend the “Voices of APEC 2007” conference and for the invitation to attend the conference again next year. I would also like to thank the VTM Trust for all the input and effort involved with such a successful conference and for the opportunities we were all given.