Rupert Holborow
is a Diplomat employed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade in New Zealand


Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade posts New Zealand officials around the globe to analyse the social, economic and political environment and to report back to New Zealand. These people are essentially the ‘ears and eyes’ overseas for the New Zealand Government. As well as reporting back any relevant information about surrounding countries, they also act as a vehicle to ‘protect and prosecute New Zealand’s interests’.

Rupert Holborow’s current responsibility within the Ministry is as New Zealand’s Senior Official for APEC.

There are 21 Senior Officials representing the 21 APEC economies and they are responsible for developing key issues which are likely to go forward for discussion by ministers and leaders at the APEC summit. There are about fifty working groups each year in the APEC host economy (such as customs, standards, immigration groups, counter-terrorism) and they report to these senior officials. The officials give these groups instruction and direction and are available to make decisions if the groups cannot resolve issues. Rupert Holborow will be spending considerable time in Vietnam this year, as this job requires frequent travel to the host country.

The Part APEC plays in the WTO

The World Trade Organisation (WTO) is essentially trying to create an easier and less costly trade environment in the world.

APEC is supporting that endeavor by encouraging free and open trade between economies in the Pacific Rim. This is a considerable effort towards achieving the WTO’s goals because this area incorporates 21 economies, three of which are the world’s largest (the USA, Japan and China). APEC’s membership represents 60% of the world’s economy and close to 50% of all world trade. APEC then plays a crucial role in the World Trade Organisation.

Mr Holborow explained the relationship between APEC and the WTO like that of a soccer game. The World Trade Organisation is the referee trying to ensure the game is played fairly and well. APEC is a keen spectator offering support and guidance to the referee to help efforts to set fair and good rules.

Tips and Quotes

By KatieHutton 2006