Pictorial Report on 2012 China GPS Program by New Zealand's Hannah Lobb and Tim Wang

The China Global Positioning Studies Program (Summer) is a 12-day intensive study and discussion program concentrating on how China perceives and is pursuing its new role in global leadership. Cohosted by the School of Foreign Studies at the Central University of Finance and Economics (SFS/CUFE) in Beijing and the VTM Foundation International, teams of students and educators from around the Pacific Rim join their counterparts in China for a peer-to-peer, collaborative learning process mentored by China’s business leaders, think tank experts, cultural directors and the Beijing-based diplomats representing China's top trading partners.

As deputy directors of this program, we are proud to share this experience with you. Being New Zealanders and global citizens, this has been a unique opportunity to connect with likeminded young leaders from around the Asia-Pacific region. This journey has not only been formative but also incredibly unforgettable and we hope that you will be able to join us for the next program.

Please click on each picture to read the day's program the picture spotlights.

2012 China GPS Summary Schedule
Please note that per our peer-to-peer, collaborative learning model, all programs and presentations are
jointly conducted by the Chinese host students and the visiting student delegations, unless otherwise noted.

Day One
Our SFS/CUFE Host Students and Educators Greet the Arriving Delegations

Check in the Royal King Residence Hotel and enjoy first hot pot dinner

Day Two
Opening Ceremonies and a Tour of the Olympic Park

Day Three
A Review of China's History and a Tour of the Forbidden City

Evening Session on how Chinese students prepare for global engagement at SFS/CUFE

Day Four
Learning and Living China's Culture with a Tour of the 798 Art District and a Special Presentation by Ms. Qiao Cui, Deputy Director of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art

Day Five
A Review of China's Economy and a Special Presentation by Mr. Sun Xiao, the Director of the International Division of the China Council the Promotion of International Trade

Evening Session on China's International Relations by Mr. Huang Shan, International Bureau Chief of Caixin Media

Day Six
A Review of China's New Global Reach and a Special Session at Brazil's Embassy in Beijing led by H.E. Clodoaldo Hugueney, one of Brazil's most distinguished diplomats, who also represented Brazil at the UN and WTO

Evening Cultural Session at the Beijing Kung Fu Opera

Day Seven
Presentations on China's Hopes and Dreams for the Future

Day Eight
All Day Tour of the Historic City of Tianjin via Bullet Train

Day Nine
Spiritual and Physical Rest and Renewal with Opportunities for Relaxing and Shopping

Evening Session led by New Zealand and Hawai`i Teams Sharing Their Histories, Cultures and Hopes and Dreams for the Future

Day Ten
All Day Tour of Great Wall

Evening Session led by Researches from the Center for International Business Ethics in Beijing

Day Eleven
North Carolina and Iowa Teams Share Their Histories, Cultures and Hopes and Dreams for the Future

Afternoon Session at New Zealand's Embassy in Beijing led by H.E. Carl Worker and Second Deputy Secretary Ara Tai Rakena. Ambassador Worker has also served as one of New Zealand’s envoys to the Americas. Secretary Tai Rakena is a leader in the global reach of Maori studies and language.

Evening Session Bringing It All Together by Mr. Xia Bing, China APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and International Program Manager for the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade

Day Twelve
Closing Ceremonies and Our Visiting Delegations Depart for Home